This might have been one of my favorite projects since it was off the computer. I don’t do a lot of photography, though I enjoy it, and getting to work this way was refreshing. We were given a project that was meant to use an object, or any sort, to create a quote. I was rewatching Game of Thrones during the start of this project and was instantly inspired by the TV series. I originally thought I might be able to carve into ice, but didn’t know how this would be possible, especially as it melts quickly. Instead, I was given the idea to use ice cube molds that are letters. It was quite the process. Inside, the ice would melt immediately, but outside I was able to mess around more. Since the process was long, I wanted to get as many angles as possible in one round, and you can see some letters are more melted than others. I also thought about making a wall, like the one in Game of Thrones. I wanted the overall tone to be dark, and mysterious, to reflect the show. I also scattered the letters to make it seem like it was rushed, and whoever was sending the message was desperate.