Cage the elephant

I chose to create a Cage The Elephant poster for a hypothetical upcoming tour. After looking into their past album covers, and overall style, I went for something colorful, focusing on primary colors, and keeping it fun, and artistic. After further research on the band, I found an article that talked about Matt Shultz, the singer for Cage The Elephant, his style, and the things that inspire him. The main image that I used was a self-portrait that he did, and I thought it was very unique and beautiful. I brightened it up a bit and upped the reds, and pinks to have them pop. I wanted the artwork to be the main focus, and kept the typography simple, but still clear, and created a hierarchy with the red and whites against the bold blue. I also added a bit of texture as well to feel more used, and stylistic.


Unexplainable Podcast Redesign


Contours Typeface and Swimwear